The ZES goal has been clear from the start: to develop a dual power drive system that could effectively address the increasingly daunting financial and environmental challenges facing the heavy-duty truck transportation industry.

The drive towards realizing that goal began in 2002 with testing on a model year 2000 Class 8 Freightliner Sleeper Cab. ZES spent the next 20 years working continuously with some of the industry’s most esteemed engineers to perfect a commercially viable dual power drive that would be installable on any manual transmission truck--new or preowned. In that time, ZES grew its patent portfolio expansively and continued to enhance the dual power drive system through both engineering enhancements and evolving battery technology. In the fall of 2022, ZES engaged the renowned firm Dennemeyer and Associates to valuate its patent portfolio. As of December 2022, the ZES Patent Portfolio is the highest graded patent portfolio ever valuated by Dennemeyer. Today, ZES technology is positioned and ready to address the challenges that inspired its development.